What To Do If Your Tooth Gets Knocked Out?

Natural adult teeth are firmly set in the bone sockets in your mouth. However, they can be knocked out if you get hit on the face by a considerable force such as in an accident. This is called avulsed tooth. The knocked out tooth can be saved if proper care is taken immediately. Continue reading to learn what to do if your tooth falls out.

Important Steps to Follow if Tooth Falls Out

  1. Find that Tooth!
  2. Pick it up by the crown and not the fleshy root. Otherwise, you may loose some of the important tissue from the root.
  4. Quickly rinse the tooth in a sterile saline solution or saliva. Do not use water.
  5. Try to put it back in the socket if you can.
  6. If you cannot put it back in its socket, you have two solutions. The first is to keep the tooth in your mouth between gums and cheek. The natural saliva will preserve it. The second option is to keep it in a glass of milk. Again do not use water. Water is not very good at preserving the tissue.
  7. Call your dentist. Knocked out tooth is a dental emergency and your dentist will see you immediately. The longer you wait, the less chance that the tooth can be saved. If your dentist is not available, Google “emergency dentist near me” to find an emergency dentist close to you.
  8. Make sure you bring the tooth to your dental appointment.


If you have a dental emergency and are looking for a trusted dentist in Pittsburgh, there is no better place than Kaur Dental of Fox Chapel. We keep a few open slots everyday for dental emergencies. For your convenience, we are open late everyday and on weekends.
Request an appointment here or call Kaur Dental of Fox Chapel at (412) 406-8100 for an appointment in our Pittsburgh/Fox Chapel office.


Monday: 9:00 – 4:00
Tuesday: 9:00 – 6:00
Wednesday: 9:00 – 4:00
Thursday: 9:00 – 4:00
Friday: 9:00 – 6:00
Saturday: 8:30 – 3:00

Emergency Calls Answered Till 7:30 PM on All Days


563 Epsilon Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15238

Tel: (412) 406-8100

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